Jean Messagier

Parigi, 1920 - Montbeliard, Francia, 1999
Beginning in 1964, Messagier's canvases are characterized by large circles, formed by wide strips of fluid color then dried, and by circles knotted and reknotted on top of each other and entangled. Messagier's art constitutes a formidable balance between graphism and textural Informalism, between celebration of nature and abstraction. In the 1980s numerous museums paid tribute to his work with exhibitions and events: 1980, Musée Granet, Aix-en-Provence, "Le parcours d'un peintre 1949-1980"; 1981-82, Grand Palais, Paris "Messagier rétrospective"; 1985, Musée d'Art Contemporain Dunkirk, "Oeuvres choisies entre 1945 et 1985"; 1987, Paris, Art Centre, "Messagier rétrospective 1937-1987."

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